University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Veteran and Active Duty Students

The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown has a long-standing policy (09-05-08) that permits students who have orders mobilizing them to active military duty to drop all classes, without regard to the date they are mobilized.  Students must submit a copy of their orders to do so. 立博app will work with active duty students to transition out of the University as expeditiously as possible.

In most cases, we will drop the term’s registration so the student will owe no tuition and receive no grades for the term. Exceptions may arise. For example, if a student received a refund from Title IV funds (usually Stafford or PLUS), dropping all courses will create a debit balance for the student when the loan is returned to the lender. The student has to be made aware of the situation.

If that’s the agreed-upon course of action, the student may need to be set up on a payment plan (at no cost). If the student receives mobilization orders near the end of the term, a professor may be willing to issue a grade even though the student may not be available to take a final exam. If that’s the case, the student does not need to drop all courses, and will earn the term’s grades and credits.

If the student’s length of service goes beyond the grace period established for repayment of loans, the student will have to request forbearance, due to military duty, from the institution asking for repayment. 

Contact the Office of the Registrar at 814-269-7055 or

MountainCat Veterans Program

The 立博app MountainCat Veterans Program (MVP) recognizes the service performed by United States military veterans, and assists them in making a successful transition into the student population. This program represents 立博app’s deep commitment to serving current and former members of the United States Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard) who served on active duty.

The MVP is a collaboration of many units across the campus that compose the Veterans Support Council. 立博app is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program.  Our commitment to veterans and active-duty military men and women has earned 立博app the prestigious distinction of being named a "Military Friendly School" by GI Jobs magazine. 

Currently, our campus has more than 50 veteran students.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Accelerated Admission Review | This application process has been developed through the Office of Admissions/Advanced and Continuing Education, in which veterans are provided the opportunity to begin an academic program on either a part-time or full-time basis. Students who enroll through Advanced and Continuing Education benefit from communication geared to their nontraditional situations and needs, personalized academic advising, and assistance with transfer into traditional academic divisions at 立博app. The standard Application Fee is waived for all veterans.
  • Priority Registration | MVP participants are provided with special priority status enabling them to register before the general student population. This provides you with the opportunity to register for popular classes that typically fill very early during the open registration period.
  • Flexible Tuition Payment Options | Participants who have been approved for Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) can take advantage of flexible payment options until tuition funding from the government is received. The participant can then pay his/her tuition bill without penalty by making arrangements with the Business Office.
  • Credit Evaluation | Credits earned from previous course work, including through military service, can be evaluated for potential transfer to 立博app. Transcripts will be evaluated closely in order to maximize the number of credits awarded. Eligible applicants may benefit from the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).

Specially trained individuals have been designated as your primary points of contact in several student services and administrative departments, which comprise the Veterans Support Council:

Additional Benefits and Services

As an MVP, you are also eligible for:

  • Free parking
  • 20% discount on clothing and various items in the 立博app Book Center
  • Four free "flex tickets" to the  Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center each academic term (Tickets subject to availability. Some restrictions may apply that are out of 立博app’s control.)
  • Annual President’s Veterans Day luncheon for you and a guest
  • Fellowship and networking opportunities through the 立博app Veterans Support Group

In order to qualify for participation in the MountainCat Veterans Program, individuals must meet eligibility requirements for the GI Bill®.

Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined by the Act, with preference in course scheduling.  Non-compliance may be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by submitting the Higher Education Student Complaint form found at

Veteran Career Services

Veteran's Leadership Program of Western PA - The mission of Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania is to provide essential housing, employment, and vital support services to eligible local Veterans, service members, and their families with the goal of improving their self-sufficiency, sustainability, and quality of life.

Resume Engine - The Personal Branding Resume Enginewill translate your military record into a strong resume that civilian employers can understand.

My Next Move - A service provided by O*net that is designed specifically for veterans transitioning to civilian careers)

Guide to Post-Military Success - Veteran specific job board, salary information, top military friendly employers, career tips

Hire Heroes - A non-profit dedicated to creating job opportunities for veterans. Website has useful career tips including online workshops on interviewing

Recruit Military - Military Job Board

GI Bill®/Veterans Services

GI Bill® program benefits, such as processing applications and certifying enrollment for the various benefits, are processed by the 立博app Registrar's Office. All non-academic problems are referred to the Department of Veterans Affairs or to the appropriate regional offices when their expertise is required.

New Applicants

All new applicants can apply online. Once completed, an email verification page must be sent to

In addition, applicants must submit the following: 

  • Active Duty, Reserves/National Guard, or REAP 
    • DD-214 - Release or Discharge from Active Duty"
    • NOBE - "Notice of Basic Eligibility"
    • KICKER - Provide a copy of KICKER agreement
  • Dependents Educational Assistance Program 
    • Copy of the certificate of eligibility
    • Copy of 22-5490 if it has been submitted and approved by the VA

Transfer Applicants

Complete a Change of Program or Place of Training form. This is required to request a change of schools or to reinstate benefits at the same school after a break in enrollment. Once the application is complete, email the verification page to

A 立博app UPJ VA Authorization Form is to be completed by the student each term and brought to the Registrar's Office before enrollment verification is made to the Veterans Administration. You may download the form from the link above.

If you need further information, contact Billie Kochara at 814-269-1907, or contact the GI Bill® Program 1-888-442-4551.

Veteran Eligibility for In-State Tuition

In accordance with Section 702 of the Choice Act and PA state Act 11, the University of Pittsburgh offers in-state residency for the purposes of tuition to the following eligible individuals:

For purposes of the Act, a “Veteran” is any individual who served in the in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component or National Guard, and who was discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable and is eligible to receive benefits under any of the following:

  • Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve
  • Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program
  • Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty
  • Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
  • Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill®
  • Spouses and dependent children of these Veterans and any who are eligible to receive Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependent’s Educational Assistance, are also eligible. 

If you meet any of above-listed requirements, please provide a copy of the Servicemember’s DD214 and your Certificate of Eligibility from the VA to the Student Appeals Office by emailing it to

Additional eligible groups include:

  • Military personnel who are assigned to an active duty station in Pennsylvania and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children.  If you meet this requirement, please provide a copy of the active duty member’s orders and a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.
  • Civilian personnel employed at a US Department of Defense facility who are transferred to Pennsylvania by the US Department of Defense and who reside in Pennsylvania, and their spouses and dependent children.  If you meet this requirement, please provide a letter from the US Department of Defense that documents the transfer to the Pennsylvania specifying the name of the person employed, the applicable US Department of Defense facility in Pennsylvania, and the start date, along with a copy of the first page of the most recent IRS Form 1040/1040A displaying the name of the spouse or dependent child, if applicable.

If you do not meet the requirements above but feel you qualify for Pennsylvania tuition rates for other reasons, there is an appeal process.  The detailed Tuition Eligibility Guidelines, instructions for appealing, and the appeal forms are available at

Veteran Student Course Scheduling Policy

The Higher Education Course Scheduling Preference for Veteran Students Act (Act of May 14, 2014, P.L. 667, No. 46 (known as “Act 46”)) provides for Veteran Students to receive course scheduling preference at public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania.


  • Veteran Student – An individual who (i) is a Veteran (as defined below) or is an active duty service member, (ii) has been admitted to the University of Pittsburgh, and (iii) resides in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania while enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Veteran – An individual who (1) has served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component of the National Guard, and (2) was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.

Veterans who completed their obligated service in the Reserves and National Guard but were not deployed to active duty are included in this definition of Veteran. Veteran Students may or may not be using veterans educational benefits at the institution. Act 46 applies to Veteran Students admitted to all for-credit courses and programs offered at the institution.

Course Scheduling Preference

The priority enrollment period will begin the Friday before the published Monday enrollment period. Enrollment appointments for Veteran Students will begin at 8:30 a.m. the Friday before the standard Monday enrollment appointments, and will be assigned in order, according to credits completed. Veteran Students who have completed the highest number of credits will get the earliest enrollment appointments, while those who have completed the lowest number of credits will get the latest enrollment appointments. Enrollment appointment dates and times can be found in each student’s PeopleSoft Student Center.

Point of Contact

If you have any questions or wish to update your Veteran status at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, please contact the Registrar’s Office, located at 279 Blackington Hall, 450 Schoolhouse Road, Johnstown, PA 15904. Call 814-269-7055, or visit the Registrar's Office.

Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined in the Act, with preference in course scheduling. Non-compliance may be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by submitting the Higher Education Student Complaint form found at

"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at